Edited Prayer vs Spirit Lead Prayer - What Do You Think?
Have you ever needed to chop your words? This post is my journey into learning about using fewer words.
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God put a woman across my path on a forum reaching out for help overcoming addiction. She was not asking for prayer, but I felt lead to pray for her and respond to her cry for help. I asked God to help me know what to say. As I typed my response, the Holy Spirit seemed to guide my words. Click submit. Right? Wrong! Why?
Glad you asked.
FTC Disclosure: I accept advertising including affiliate links on this blog that are aligned with my personal beliefs. These links help put food on our table at no extra cost to our readers. See the policies page for more info.
God put a woman across my path on a forum reaching out for help overcoming addiction. She was not asking for prayer, but I felt lead to pray for her and respond to her cry for help. I asked God to help me know what to say. As I typed my response, the Holy Spirit seemed to guide my words. Click submit. Right? Wrong! Why?
Glad you asked.
Answering a Cry
Have you ever prayed for someone online, hit submit and received - sorry posts can only be a max of x characters? I discovered how long winded I could be last night when I posted a reply on a new forum God placed across my path last night.
How did I get there?
Following the link, to find content for Kawartha Lakes Mums readers brought me to the LiveStrong.com website.
Before even glancing at the article, I was drawn to click on the "Community Tab" where the following practically jumped off the page at me:
God calls us to many different places in many different ways!
How did I get there?
Lead To A Cry
19 hours before I started this post, @PishPoshBaby posted this Tweet![]() |
Tweet That Lead to Cry |
Before even glancing at the article, I was drawn to click on the "Community Tab" where the following practically jumped off the page at me:
Staying Sober:I am addicted to percocet I am not sure if I am posting this in the right spot but figured this is as good a place as any. I am 37 yrs old & am addicted to Percocet & anything with codeine in it. I get a script for ....When I followed the link to the rest of the post I discovered "I Will Succeed Wrote" had posted her note just minutes before : 8:10 pm September 12.
God calls us to many different places in many different ways!
Attempting to Answer A Cry
["Pray for them.Answer the call"] I was urged.
I started praying for this woman who was hurting.
["Pray for them"]again I was urged.
"Publicly? In a public forum?"I argued. Do you ever argue with God?
I checked to see if anyone had answered the cry for help yet -nothing.
Quickly I prayed for guidance, and began to type:
Here is my first reply:
I started praying for this woman who was hurting.
["Pray for them"]again I was urged.
"Publicly? In a public forum?"I argued. Do you ever argue with God?
I checked to see if anyone had answered the cry for help yet -nothing.
Quickly I prayed for guidance, and began to type:
Here is my first reply:
Congratulations for reaching out!Any change is scary.Asking for help is the first step.Have you spoken to your doctor?
Something as difficult as this is rarely done successfully on your own. There are several online communities of people that may be helpful to you, and believe it or not prayer really does work.
Here is my personal experience:I was healed of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and bipolar disorder through the Grace of God and the Love of Christ August 13 2011, and I have met many people healed of severe addictions such as heroin and cocaine as well.
I grew up in a quiet little village in a traditional church, and came to a healing service as a skeptic, but God healed me despite this, and despite of who I had become.
I too had an addiction, as many people who have bipolar disorder do, but I didn't need a prescription for mine. God's Grace healed me of my addiction as well.
Since that day, God has given me the opportunity to meet many people, who like me were healed through the Love of Christ, so I know being healed by God is not as rare as I previously thought.
See if you can find a spirit-filled Christian church near you and go for prayer. While healing services are helpful, after you are healed, it is helpful to have supportive people around you to aid you in keeping that hole filled with the Holy Spirit and learn how to deal with your healing.
I had many questions after I was healed, and through the Grace of God, I received spiritual guidance daily.
I do not believe in coincidence nor luck, so I thank God for you reaching out with your question, and Him showing me your question on this website that I've never visited before.
God has great things planned for your life. Oh the things he has in store for you!
Christ stands at the door and knocks, but we are the only ones who can let Him in. We have free will.
What stood in the way of my healing was unforgiveness. Is there someone you need to forgive? I asked God to help me forgive people who had done things to me because they didn't realize what they were doing or the harm they were causing to themselves. I also had to forgive myself.
God loves you so very much and He has heard your cry from your heart.I was going to stop there , but got an urging - [Pray for them - you pray for them.]
"Pray on a public forum? Are you sure?" I argued with God.
[Pray for them]- it came again.
So I continued to type As my fingers flew across the keyboard with a skill and speed not of my own, I realized I was not praying alone.
I pray for God to heal you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet; to heal you and transform you into the person you were meant to be.
I pray that God through the power of the Blood of Christ remove all genetic blood curses placed upon you that have come down through the family line and be removed in Jesus name.
I pray for trauma that may have triggered these curses upon your like be removed in Jesus name.
I pray God's healing touch remove all double mindedness and pray witchcraft or curses put upon you and your family be removed in Jesus name.
I pray that reconciliation and healing bonds be strengthened between you and all your family.I pray the blood of Christ be poured out in a protective covenant upon your family that no man can put asunder the bonds of marriage and Holy Matrimony between you and your spouse.
I thank God for the supernatural occurrences that are beginning to be manifest in your life. People being brought across your path to help you in your journey back to the destiny that was planned out for you since the beginning of time.
I thank God for the supernatural healing that will take place in your life and little miracles too that will reassure you of His presence in your life each day.
Expect a miracle!
Watch for the miraculous in things that happen and things that don't happen.
I thank God for His protection over you and your family.
I ask all these things be completed in Jesus' Name according to God's timing, which is perfect.May they come about in such a way that you will know God through the mighty power of Jesus name is at work in your life and wants to have a personal relationship with you.
God loves YOU sooooo much!When I hit - "Add Comment" to post my reply I met my first road block.
Block 1 - Sign Up for Free Account
Usually this is a simple thing to do, but I finally fell asleep trying. NO luck. Waking to an odd thumping noise at 2:30am, I noticed the dog I'm dog sitting scratching like crazy in her sleep. Up and out we go for a walk.
Back in.
Back to the site and.. got in!
Back in.
Back to the site and.. got in!
Oookay... Click "Add Comment". No dice. Roadblock two.
Block 2 - Comment Too Long
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Ministry Tool - Free Character Counter |
Wow! How much had I written?
I pasted my comment in the embedded Character Counter on my Blogged Tips Blog - How many characters was I over?
Wow ! Almost 4.000 characters?
I checked the Forum again, hoping someone else had replied.
"Well Lord, show me what to cut." I prayed, and started to chop.
Prayer For Release From Addiction Under 2,000 Characters
At 3:00am I finally pasted the following comment as a reply, and messaged the person who had posted the cry for help.
Congratulations on reaching out!
Asking for help is the first step. Something this difficult is rarely done alone. Online communities can help, and prayer really does work.
I was healed of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, bipolar disorder and addiction through the Grace of God and the Love of Christ and I've met many others who were healed. I was a skeptic, and God healed me.
God heals people all the time.
Is there a spirit-filled Christian church near you? It's helpful to have supportive people around you.
I thank God for you reaching out with your question. God has great things planned for you. Christ stands at the door and knocks, but we're the only ones who can let Him in.
Unforgiveness stood in the way of my healing. Is there someone you need to forgive? I asked God to help me forgive, I couldn't do it alone.
God loves you very much. He hears you.
I pray for God to heal you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet; to heal and transform you into the person you're meant to be. I pray God through the power of the Blood of Christ remove all genetic curses in Jesus name. I pray for trauma that triggered these curses be removed in Jesus name. I pray all double mindedness, witchcraft or curses put on you and your family be removed in Jesus name. I pray reconciliation and healing come for you and all your family. May the blood of Christ be poured out in a protective covenant on your family so no one can put asunder the bonds of marriage and Holy Matrimony - in Jesus name.
I thank God for supernatural occurrences in your life. People coming to help you in your journey back to the plans God has for you. I thank God for your supernatural healing and little daily miracles that reassure of His presence.
Expect miracles! Watch for miracles that happen and don't happen.
I ask all these things be completed in Jesus' Name according to God's perfect timing. Jesus is at work in your life and wants to have a personal relationship with you.
God loves YOU VERY much!Will the moderator leave it there? What will happen?
I'm leaving it in the Lord's hands. But isn't it always?
What would you have chopped from your reply?
After my lesson in God knowing the intentions of our hearts, you'd think I would be more open to fully rely on God to do what is needed.
Being Verbose - What Does the Bible Say?
Did you know the English translation of the Bible has been criticized for having more words than many other translations? One Biblical scholar has even created the following table comparing the number of words in translations with the original.
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Bible Translations- Comparing Number of Words ET Jets pdf |
Often translation calls for the use of more words, because no word may exist in the end language that is the equivalent, so a phrase must be used. For example, the book Sikuk: Knowing Our Ice there are about 93 different words for ice in Inuktitut each one describing a different type of ice. Conversely, it takes many words combined to explain promise in Inuktitut. How many words does this painting by William Holman Hunt contain?
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"Hunt Light of the World" by William Holman Hunt - http://www.bg-blog.ru/comments.php?id=555. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons. |
Zero, of course. How many words would you need to describe the painting and its meaning?
Does the Bible say anything about being verbose or using too many words? There are many verses cautioning people against using foolish words, and slander, but what about using too many words in writing?
The meaning of Habakkuk 2:2 has been debated by many Does the original Hebrew mean write plainly enough so even someone running past can read it or write it plainly enough so the greatest number of people will be able to understand, be inspired , and run to share the Good news with others? Either way, the emphasis is on being clear.
One thing I am certain of, when we use too many words, people will close their minds. If you've actually read this entire blathering post, you are a rare person indeed. A second thing I know - I need prayer to become less verbose. I like how Justin summed up The Bible in Three words on his blog - Too Many Dark Things.
If you were to sum up the Bible in three words what would you say?
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God Loves You - Created on Day Spring Letter Press |
May God Bless you today and always,
How do you KISS?