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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

#AD How Do You Show Hospitality?

Christian Hospitality - A Lost Art?

Romans 12:13 “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”
Is the art of hospitality lost?
Merriam-Webster describes hospitality as the “generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests.”
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DaySpring - New Hospitality Items
We can all think of people we would describe as having the “gift of hospitality.”
It just seems to come easy to them.
They love cooking and having people over for meals, and they have a beautifully decorated house to entertain in.
But are these the most important aspects of hospitality?
Actually. It all starts with love - serving in love.
Here are seven thoughtful, simple ways you can reach out and show hospitality to those around you:

7 Easy Ways to Show Hospitality

Adapted with permission from DaySpring

  1. Baking  Do you enjoy baking? Why not bake extra treats for neighbors and friends - cookies, a cake, a pie, a loaf of banana bread? .People who are stretched for time will appreciate your homemade goodies so much! You can also put together various dessert plates with a variety of goodies!. 
  2. Dinner  Why not treat someone going through a challenging time to dinner? Whether it's - in your home or at their favorite restaurant it will definitely be appreciated. I know how much we appreciated receiving a dinner to pop in the oven after my father passed away. Or invite someone who could use a break for coffee or tea to a nearby coffee shop and spend some time catching up! 
  3.  Hosting Why not open your home as a meeting place for a Bible Study or small group? It's a great way to get to know others in your church and your neighbors. Refreshments can be simple - coffee, tea, soda, and a simple snack like cheese and crackers, or cookies. 
  4. Delivering Do you know  someone who is under the weather? Or do you have an elderly neighbor that can’t get out much? Take a meal or snack to them and offer to pick up any items from the store they might need. While you’re at it, think of getting them an encouraging gift. These tissue cards are adorable tuck ins for someone with a cold. when They not only serve as cards, but they’re memorable tissue box covers with uplifting messages!
  5. Gardening Is gardening your thing? Why not share your garden bounty with others?  Everyone loves fresh-grown veggies and it’s a great way to connect with your neighbors. 
  6. Potlucks No time or budget to host a large meal? Why not host a potluck and provide the main dish? If it’s a large gathering and the weather is nice, have a potluck picnic at the park or in your backyard.
  7. Tea Do something out of the ordinary for the women in your church or neighborhood - host a tea party, complete with scones, small sandwiches, and tea cookies or cakes. Mmmm! Make several pots of tea - include an herbal tea and flavored tea for variety, and have a tea tasting party! Did you see the Daily Grace teapot and teacups at DySpring they would  come in handy for this! 
As you open your heart and home to others, remember to also share and show God’s love to them. Hospitality is a ministry of serving - it’s a way God can use you to reach out and bless those around you!
 Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
HEBREWS 13:16 (NIV) 
Not:e: DaySpring is having a Buy 1 Get 1 FRee Cards sale, a Bakeware sale and a Family and Friends Sale until October 30th use code FRIENDS25 to save 25%.
See all the savings at DaySpring.where you an see all the new Salt and Light goodies too!
Thanks for reading! Let's keep in touch! Subscribe to My Christian Contemplations by Email - It's free!
May God Bless you as you bless others,

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