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Sunday, 15 July 2012

Malachi 1 :11-12 -Am I Giving My Best?

My Morning Message - Malachi 1:11-12 

Malachi 1:11-12 was given to me this morning. I didn't initially even remember the book,but when I looked at my notes, found that I had been given Malachi 12 earlier this year,and on a Sunday morning as well!

Malachi 1:11-12 Says:
1:11 For from the east to the west my name will be great among the nations. Incense and pure offerings will be offered in my name everywhere, for my name will be great among the nations,” says the Lord who rules over all. 1:12 “But you are profaning it by saying that the table of the Lord is common and its offerings despicable.

According to got, The Book of Malachi was written by he prophet Malachi,sometime between 440 and 400 BC. Malachi means 'my messenger'. According to many interpretations,at the time this book was written,the priests had stopped tithing properly,and we're offering sacrifices that were blemished, and had broken their covenant with God.

Usually when I receive a message it is of personal significance. Reading this passage,and seeing as I received it on two different Sundays, the commandment springing to mind is:
'Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy.

So on to giving my best. Have I been giving my best? Honestly -No. All I need to do is to look at the Omemee Chistian Outreach and Christian Spotter. Rather than following my usual social integration template,it still lies fallow. The potential for spreading the word of God and His miracles through the Internet are huge.

I guess I know today's assignment! What's yours?

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