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Tuesday, 11 March 2014

March 11 2014 - Isaiah 1:12 Easter Contemplations ~

What Does God Want?

Occasionally I wake up with a Bible passage in my mind - not the words -the reference. I must admit, I do not know where to find anything in my Bible. Well,  I do know where some of the books are located, but I haven't the foggiest what words match which reference. Are you like me?Sometimes I even wonder if the passage exits, but when I am obedient, and I look it up - sure enough -there it is! Usually the passage, like this one, has meaning for my day. I shared a few of these passages on Facebook. This one was shared March 11, 2014 - Easter.

March 11 2014: Today I received Isaiah 1:12 

What has God placed in your heart today?
Today I was given Isaiah 1:12

 Why do you attend church at Easter? 

God wants to know.
Are you attending just as a matter of ritual?
In Isaiah 1:12, the prophet states how God is displeased about people trampling His courts during holidays (Holy Days).

What DOES God Want? 

God wants us to change our ways. Stop paying lip service and going through the motions of merely appearing to be Holy. 
Thomas Kennington - Two orphans comfort each other Used to illustrate Matthew 25:45
Thomas Kennington Orphans 1885
Isaiah 1:16-17 Tells us God wants us to learn to do good, defend the oppressed, seek justice, plead the case of widows and orphans.
When we celebrate Christ's resurrection in the spring it is an opportunity. to start anew. To start fresh. Truly a new year and a new time.
In Matthew 25:45 Jesus admonishes us that when we did not help the least of these our brothers, we did it also to Him.
Will you do as God asks in Isaiah 1:18 ?
God wants to have a personal relationship with each of us.
'Let's discuss this says the Lord.'
Even if your sins are as red as blood they can be washed as white as snow.

What has God placed in your heart today?

May God Bless you as you bless others,
You can read my original post with all its typos on Facebook.

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