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Saturday 6 August 2016

Daisy Contemplations!

Seeing Love Everywhere! 

Deuteronomy 7: 9;
Luke 7:47.

They say when you are in love, everything reminds you of your love.
Today, when I went to pick rose hips, it was the daisies that reminded me of my love.

Do you know the old custom of plucking petals from daisies?
When I was a young girl, we would pick daisies, and thinking of our crush, pluck the petals one-by-one saying:
"He loves me, he loves me not."
 As each petal fell, we'd hope there would be enough petals on the daisy to end with "He loves me!"
Since my Love saved me, I have no doubts of my Love.
My daisy rhyme is now a joyful -
"He Loves Me! He Loves Me! He Loves Me!"
One of Our Heavenly Father's greatest demonstration of His Love for us is forgetting our sins, when we open our hearts to His Son.
Did you ever notice in the commandments we are told to Love Our Father , not fear, but Love!
When we love Our Father, it is much easier to love our neighbor.
When we do things for others it is our of gratitude for Our Father's Love for us.
We are not to serve from a feeling of obligation,  nor to curry favour. When you are truly and deeply in love, you seek ways to show your gratitude.
Before G-d transformed me, I  knew about Christ.
Now I know Christ!
My walk has changed so incredibly!
I  agree with what Christ said,  we love much when we  are forgiven much!

My Prayer for you:
In the Name of Your Son, Jesus of Nazareth, Father, I thank you for the opportunity to write the innermost thoughts of my heart.
Use my feeble words to open a heart to You.
Let it be Holy Spirit that reaches out from between these words to change lives.
May even more people come to know Your incredible Love so they will be filled to overflowing with a reflection of Love for their neighbor.

Please take this daisy as a reminder of Our Father's"s Love for you!

 Thanks for reading! Let's keep in touch!
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May God Bless you,

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